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My Perspectives on different Realities (Virtual, Augmented and Perceived )

Virtual reality getting very popular day by day. It comes with the set of things a user can wear to enhance his experiences. Basically it surfaces our senses to able to use them in virtual world. But first thing first what is virtual reality and how it is different from the reality we perceive in real world (Or at least the world know to us as of now). According to what i understand about this technology i think its a tunnel, medium or path for us to transcend from one reality to another , more specifically from our reality to some other reality created by us often referred to as virtual world or virtual reality. And we unfortunately didn't stop here, we also came up with Augmented reality shorten as 'AR' which is pretty discriminative in nature than 'VR'. However it is also virtual at some degree but before i get myself involved in explaining flaws and extremities this technology provide us. Let's now understand what is AR. AR is augmented reality, it helps use

My Perspectives on different Realities (Virtual, Augmented and Perceived )

Virtual reality getting very popular day by day. It comes with the set of things a user can wear to enhance his experiences. Basically it surfaces our senses to able to use them in virtual world. But first thing first what is virtual reality and how it is different from the reality we perceive in real world (Or at least the world know to us as of now). According to what i understand about this technology i think its a tunnel, medium or path for us to transcend from one reality to another , more specifically from our reality to some other reality created by us often referred to as virtual world or virtual reality. And we unfortunately didn't stop here, we also came up with Augmented reality shorten as 'AR' which is pretty discriminative in nature than 'VR'. However it is also virtual at some degree but before i get myself involved in explaining flaws and extremities this technology provide us.

Let's now understand what is AR. AR is augmented reality, it helps user to create partially virtual world on top of the real world to add technological spice and sense of advancement to our consciousness. I think the reason why human come up with these entertaining and addictive things, partly because humans pretty much lost interest in the real world, they don't find it equally interesting nor exiciting. This is tragic to hear by the way, I know it sounds pessimistic but it is also the one more reasonable way that has less to ignore and more to pay attention to. Sure everything has their own positives and negatives, However its upto a species whether to adopt it or not. The more i think about it "I feel whatever seems to have more leverage on survival side of particular species must be adopted and preserved at the same time because at the end of everything breaks down to advancement and longevity of species". This is more biological explaination but it is very near to truth than other things in this world. Let's dig at deeper level, Virtual reality definitely going to change our perception of reality in not so good manner. From the present we have VR-Headset that can be easily act as wearable and portable device one can wear it on head just like sleeping bands, covering both eyes and ears. From this much information we can easily say our two crucially significant senses deprived from real reality into virtual reality, these two of our sensory organs lost the connection or the better way put it might be they shift their connection from real world into virtual world. 

         First understand how Brain works in brief. We (living organisms) perceive reality which is nothing but experiences from the sensory organs, they act as data collector to brain and brain itself is nothing but like super computer capable for developing neural networks by processing the information gathered by sensory organs, Brain can also lighteningly fast retrieve information and send it back to motor organs for movement or reflexes. However this smartly intelligent part of body called 'Brain' responsible for every possible advancement living being ever come up with fails to distinguish when the senses are tricked meaning - Brain loves senses unconditionallly truely without a doubt. People keep wondering about true Love when you can simply learn and experiece within the brain itself :) Enough of less useless and more useful analogy, Now as human keep on developing highly imporvised way to take the VR technology to next evel they ignoring the fact that it can turned out to be disastrous at the same time. We developed the VR in a way that it is audible, observable, interactive and in future it definitely going to have capabilities like we can feel touch of object in virtual world, We can smell etc. In other way we can conclude that VR is going to entailed all the senses of human being. However it is not good at all, though i admit that we can unlock human limitation to great possibility at least in the virtual world but we surely have to pay cost not in terms of money but in terms of mental disorders. Here is my  supposition as follows 

My Hypothesis ->

            When one is in virtual world he can't be at real world as long as every sense is involved. Either we can completely live in real or in virtual world but not both at the same time and in VR world we are completely different person with super power that could exceed human limitation. Why on earth someone will choose real world where the possibilities are so predictable and familiar.

    Eventually humans will start consuming VR and AR drastically that it would become part of their life and sooner the day will come when some human my form rigid believe as VR is only real world known to them and they will refuse to unwear or take out those gadgets and if forcefully tried to, then they will act in weird manner maybe just like how mentally abnormal being will act. Though this isn't only problem VR will bring to us in near future. The desire and ultimate motivation in life to work will fade because you can able to get all that you want from VR world effortlessly and with least amount of time spend on actually achieving it.
This will turned out to be major obstacle in way of human development since i guess we would spare innocent animals from getting used to these technologies. Sooner or latter intellectual people will break their silence and aware people about adversities VR brought and if everyone choose human development over VR more particularly over these kinds of technologies then world will be better again for sure. Though prohibiting the use of these technologies isn't a plausible solution instead Moderation is the key here.

That's it from my side. Hope you get to learn something new, for more make sure to visit more often. This is Pranay signing off :) 


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