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My Perspectives on different Realities (Virtual, Augmented and Perceived )

Virtual reality getting very popular day by day. It comes with the set of things a user can wear to enhance his experiences. Basically it surfaces our senses to able to use them in virtual world. But first thing first what is virtual reality and how it is different from the reality we perceive in real world (Or at least the world know to us as of now). According to what i understand about this technology i think its a tunnel, medium or path for us to transcend from one reality to another , more specifically from our reality to some other reality created by us often referred to as virtual world or virtual reality. And we unfortunately didn't stop here, we also came up with Augmented reality shorten as 'AR' which is pretty discriminative in nature than 'VR'. However it is also virtual at some degree but before i get myself involved in explaining flaws and extremities this technology provide us. Let's now understand what is AR. AR is augmented reality, it helps use

Solipsism (Part-2 of 2) - Solipism simple Examplification

Part 2 of Solipsism 

    The philosophy of solipsism is given by French philosopher Rene Descartes. He has quoted a very famous quote - "I think therefore, I am" meaning, if there are thoughts and questions then there must be someone thinking or asking them which in turn confirms the existence of thinker. And apart from that everything else live in illusionary space. The philosophical ideologies of Rene Descartes promotes the simulation Theory. (Don't worry if you don't have any clue of about simulation theory I will try explain the simulation theory in some other post.) For now lets move ahead...

    One way to use solipsism by means of introspection that is to inspect your inner self. In addition Meditation can be used as tool to alleviate the aspects of introspection. But why to use meditation because it will help us to examine the state of mind and to know the fact that we don't have control over our thoughts. Lets prove it Don't think of a black car, i am sure everyone reading that definitely think of what they won't have to. And we believe we have self created thoughts if so why wouldn't we stop ourselves from thinking about a black car. 
Meditation never claims the ability to go thoughtless, it is simply unfeasible. One can never live without thoughts. Thoughts are base on which our shared reality exists which we called as our world. Though meditation can help us to categorize the thoughts and label them to at least acknowledge the source of various thoughts. Meditation provides the ability to discriminate which is a obvious essential factor to distinguish one entity with another. The counter argument to solipsism found in eastern philosophy called Buddhism. Buddha insisted that - The mind can not exist without external phenomena, nor an external phenomena exists without mind. According to Buddha external world and internal mind both are the two faces of same coin and can't be seperated. Their significance are interdependent. One can not abandon former to pursue later or vice versa.

Buddha also said just as objects of mind does not exist, Mind also does not exists. In simple words even though a tree may physically exist, However individuals can only experience it through the medium of their own mind, Each with their own literal point of view. Consequently an independent objective reality could never be experienced. Lets make it understandable through an example suppose for instance there were two friends having names Rahul and Ramesh. In their childhood both are acquainted to identification of colours though both of them having different experience to recognize various colours. Lets say when someone asks rahul about which is red colour by handing him colour book to select and same goes for Ramesh. Definitely each of them successfully chosen the right colour. But that doesn't imply Rahul and Ramesh has exact same experience about the colour red. For Rahul may be the first literal experience of red colour is when his mother points out to him that this is red and perhaps for Ramesh his teacher might told him about red colour. Though they same understanding about particular colour - their experience associated with it and the literal point of view are subjective and inimitable.  

This is all I got for this topic. I am sure it is comprehensive. If have any doubts or disagreement feel free to drop it on the comments. Until then Good Bye :)


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